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UsabilityHub Clone

This page contains the case study of UsabilityHub Project which includes the Project Overview, Tools Used and Live Links to the official product.


Project Overview

This project aims to demonstrate the ability to recreate a website design using HTML CSS Media Query and Javascript (Vanila). It serves as a practice exercise for web development and showcases the skills required to create responsive and visually appealing web pages.

The clone website includes the following components:

  • Top banner with an announcement
  • Navigation bar with links to different sections
  • Hero section with a header and call-to-action button
  • Company section displaying logos of some well-known companies
  • Features section highlighting the platform's key features
  • Big feature sections showcasing testimonials and related information
  • Example section displaying different use cases
  • Panel section highlighting the integrated participant panel
  • Call-to-action section encouraging users to start testing
  • Footer section with links to various pages and resources

Tool Used